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Programming Console

Objective 5

Document the planning and development of software applications using industry-standard tools, techniques, and processes.


Weather Station App

The weather station was a project that I and a small group worked on together. It was a react native mobile app that could display any type of weather information for the location selected. We created wireframes, documents tasks on Trello, and flowcharts to organize everything we needed. â€‹

Team Members: Erik Harrison, Micheal Hinsberger, Joe Parisia, Katherine Lennon, Jacob Dominski, and Brittney Tollison. 


Presentation Video Link:

Github Link:


Programme Facile

The goal of Program Facile was to make scheduling as simple as possible. I concentrated on the back end. We made a bunch of wire frames, documented task through clickup. â€‹We used the SDLC process which consisted of weekly scrum meetings.


Team Members: Tyler Denton, Kenna Draxton, Christopher Walters, and Brittney Tollison


Presentation Video Link:

Github Link:

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