Objective 2
Demonstrate software development skills using more than one programming language and development environment.

Programme Facile
The goal of Program Facile was to make scheduling as simple as possible. I concentrated on the back end, which used ASP.NET and the C# programming language. Because we utilized Github to connect, upload, and download code, it satisfies objective 2. For the backend, we used C# and ASP.net, and for the front end, we used HTML, CSS, and javascript.​
Team Members: Tyler Denton, Kenna Draxton, Christopher Walters, and Brittney Tollison
Presentation Video Link: https://youtu.be/nkGZVJ9peO0
Github Link: https://github.com/orgs/ProgrammeFacile/dashboard

Weather Station App
The weather station was a project that I and a small group worked on together. It was a react native mobile app that could display any type of weather information for the location selected. It meets the objective because it uses JSON, JavaScript, React Native and SQL
Team Members: Erik Harrison, Micheal Hinsberger, Joe Parisia, Katherine Lennon, Jacob Dominski and Brittney Tollison
Presentation Video Link: https://youtu.be/jlo_hMe_-GQ
GitHub Link: https://github.com/faychicken2/CSC319-Weather-Sation-BackEnd